The Ephesians 5: 22 Wife


In today’s culture, where anything goes in marriages, “The Ephesians 5:22 Wife” reminds us that God has very explicit guidelines for marriage. In a Christian marriage, the husband and wife must be guided by these clear expectations in God’s word, and their actions must be informed by what God says about the wife and what he says about the husband. Through the apostle Paul, God says explicitly that wives are to submit themselves to their husbands and that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. In the world’s ways, many husbands like to quote the scripture verse that wives are to be submissive to them, and by “submissive,” they mean that they must have “control” over their wives. However, being submissive does not imply a “thing” to be controlled. As God lays out, the submissive wife is not a “possession” to be controlled by her husband but a beautiful partner who loves and respects her husband and relishes in the love that he demonstrates to her. This book examines who the submissive wife is and who she is not. It leaves no stone unturned as it expounds on ways she exemplifies submissiveness in all areas of the marriage. This book is open, thought-provoking, insightful, raw, honest, and valuable to wives who may not be all they can be in living Ephesians 5:22 but strive to be that wife to her husband. However, although this book speaks directly to the wife, it is also an excellent resource for the single woman looking for a husband and seeking to be in a Christian marriage. Now, I can hear you saying, women, “What about the Ephesians 5:25, man?” I hear you! You didn’t think I would leave him out, did you? Don’t worry; his role is just as important, and I will present him in my upcoming book. Stay tuned!