The Ephesians 5: 25 Husband


The Ephesians 5:25 Husband presents the man who loves his wife as Christ loves the Church, the husband who is the leader of the home. In our society today, many husbands share the viewpoint that their wives must submit to them but that they have no reciprocal role in that process. Not so! God’s word clearly instructs husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church, which is a profound love! It is love that endures, builds up, forgives, listens, cherishes, protects, and so on! The evil in the world makes some husbands believe that their wives are possessions, “things,” and so they control, domineer, belittle, degrade, abuse, or demean them. This book complements The Ephesians 5:22 Wife. It examines who the Ephesians 5: 25 husband is and his qualities as a leader of the home. It highlights the actions he takes to exemplify his profound love for his wife. The book presents a myriad of thought-provoking, honest, and transparent perspectives that will leave you enlightened, informed and challenged. Although the book targets husbands, it is also an excellent resource for men who are not yet married but seek to be in a Christian marriage where they honor God and love their wives as Christ loves the Church. Be blessed!